February 05, 2009

sick n stuff.

so, what did you do yesterday? yeah. i went to the doctors. all day. with 3 kids. yes, i was there two days ago also, with 2 kids. one kid overlapped. it's mathematical. yup. 2 kids had xrays 2 kids got blood work, 3 arms worth, one shot in the leg and one high-tech electro-nose suction. 2 you're-going-to-the-hospital-right-now scares. lotsa diagnoses. rsv pneumonia walking pneumonia sinusitis asthma flu cont. way-too-many kids in your family i'm home now. with a LOT of medicine. it only took 700 trips to the pharmacy, and they still haven't gotten me drew's antibiotic. but, we do have our year supply of albuterol. and another doctor appointment today. Yeee Haw!! just livin' the dream. and. my nails look great! and. the professor is mad 'cause my ex-friend Jillian charged me $52 for my 30-day free membership. it's probably my fault. so, now I'll be on hold half the day crying to Jillian's customer service representatives. at least I get to hear Jillian's soothing voice tell me that my call is really, really important to her. love it. [update-- yup. $52 refund. the tides are turning. the professor is happy again. 5 points for Jillian.] [update2-- i shaved my legs. cause you never know when a random guy might rub em.]


  1. So Sorry!!! I"m really calling you and bringing you dinner tonight - there's no fighting me off. :)

    I can being more albuterol too, since Sophie's done for the time being...

    I"ll be praying for quick healing!

  2. We missed you yesterday at Bliss' house. Sorry you had such a rough day. I have a nebulizer machine if you need another one! : )

  3. I wish I lived closer so I could come and help! Wow that has got to be rough. love you all!

  4. I hope my family is not in for what you all have. We all have colds at that moment, but who know how quickly the tides will turn. I hope everyone starts feeling well soon. I hope you get a good nap too.

  5. Ugh. What a day. Hope the kiddos feel better soon and you get some good sleep! xoxoxo

  6. I am bringing you dinner too. Just go head and eat while you are waiting for me.... It'll be a few days or weeks depending on how far the drive is.... love ya

  7. Are you kidding me!!?? Bless your sweet soul! Extra prayers to be said for you guys tonight...promise! It sounds awful...but you still make me laugh.


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