March 30, 2009

hard at work...

yup. we like projects at our house. here is ellie's hot air balloon for the transportation parade at school.

here is my family wall-- i finally took LEAH to get her toddler pictures done... so, we have all 6 smiling, hair brushed and on the wall. here's drew's self portrait. he said that he thinks his picture looks like a cross between a frog and a shark. love it. here's jakob's Komodo Dragon Habitat... yes. that is a bloody pig. boys. we had fun making salt dough, painting, researching online and typing up his report. he knows way more about animals than i do... it is SO fun having kids. yes. even our bunnies had projects this weekend. here they are hard at work at their "Bunny Training Center"-- the BTC. I'm sure they'll learn tricks in no time... like- run. and, my favorite project. bath time. and squishy babies. as much as i know i'll miss babies... it is SO fun watching them grow-up into balloon flying, frog/shark like, bunny training, young men and gals... family moments. love it.

NOTICE- there are NO pictures of Sunday morning... getting the kids dressed and ready for church... it was what we call a "birth control Sunday morning." kids are fun. MOST of the time. birth control sunday mornings... not so fun.


  1. I love to see all the "life moments." I can't believe you guys got bunnies! I've always wanted bunnies...and chicks. I'm trying to convince Ben to build a chicken coop. Cute. Tell Todd how impressed we are with his skills...he should have been a sanitation engineer. They really have those. Love you guys!

  2. I am dying laughing over your descriptive (and very apt) term for Sunday mornings! *sigh* I LOVE you, your family, and your posts!

  3. Love that picture of you and Lily! It all looks so sweet and fun! I loved the bunny we had growing up.

  4. 'birth control Sundays'. I love it!

  5. Come on you mean you don't have "birth-control" project days!! Those are my hardest days. Mostly becuase I go OCD on my kids and don't let them do their own project!! But I will get it Right? MISS YOU - call you soon!


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