March 04, 2009


can you imagine if i would have stopped at Leah?
yes. with six i have to deal with lots and lots of laundry...
but, it's so worth it.
love it.
not so much.
no, i don't have mental whispers to drown my kids... but, i do have to hold myself back from squeezing em and eating em... oh my gosh-- you'd think by now I'd have this out of my system.
funny... wednesday is laundry day... how many blogs can i post instead of folding laundry? hee hee...


  1. She looks like Todd!!! I agree with you. I am glad you did not stop at Leah. Lily is an absolute blessing to your family and to all of us. She is a reminder that Heavenly Father trusts us and listens to our prayers.
    I am glad she is doing great!!
    By the way, how in the world did you do it to post a picture behind the header of your blog???

  2. Lily is growing up! She is so beautiful and squishable:). I'd love to just eat her. Laundry, eat Lily, Laundry, eat Lily? Yum...

  3. Thank you for making that last picture G-rated :D I agree, eat the baby, boycot the laundry!

  4. Jeepers. It's wierd to see leah and Lily. Two babies I've not met! That's not right. Lily is adorable.

  5. What mischief in the eyes in that middle picture!!! She's lovely


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