April 22, 2009

Day 6- Laundry...

(do you know i have almost as many pictures of my dirty laundry on this blog as i do of my kids...)

i see a mountain!

UPDATE:: it is 5:27 pm... i just returned from dropping the kids off at piano and violin... i'm on to dinner, then boys have scouts.... anyway. I had to tell y'all...

I FINISHED MY LAUNDRY!! (oh, i'm such a dork) but, seriously. EVERYTHING!! washed, dried and PUT AWAY. i had to write quick before bathtime... you know how these things go, i only get a few minutes of absolute accomplishment. YEE HAW!!


  1. just some advice....fold each load after you get it out of the dryer and stack them in piles on the couch. That way you never see the "mountain" and you never have to put clothes away till their done. YOU CAN DO IT!

  2. laundry sucks.
    and, i would have folded each load as it came out, except i had to run up to the school,for pta, and i got caught in a total power outage. Then, i had to get milk, and now it's noon and i'm scared, very scared...
    it's tooooooo hard!!!!

  3. I want to see pics of your newly-painted dining room!

  4. Haven't been on the blogs for a while......hope you know how amazing you are. I don't know how you accomplish all that you do [finished or not] : )
    I will be one of the first to buy your book "Surviving the Trail Ride." You are awesome!

  5. Silly me....I guess I was paying more attention to your pretty table decor than to the paint on the walls. I like the new color! Very pretty!

    And congrats on setting and accomplishing goals. It's definitely something I need to work on too. There just always seems to be so much "stuff" to do, it definitely gets overwhelming sometimes. (And I don't even have 6 kids yet.)

  6. Way to go JEN!!! I think you and I have the same problem! But I learned a valuable lesson and I can't remember if I shared it with you already...so I will just share it again. I really apply's to all aspects of life. So hear it is: Jen, don't should on yourself! :D


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