April 13, 2009

passover with the ures...

isn't this cute?
thanks rachel!!
i love it!
mmm. passover. matzoh... haroset... bitter herb... fresh greens... lotsa wine, i mean grape juice...
cute cousins...
tayson and ellie
mia and leah...
rachel, lily and the bunnies...
my sister-in-law's sister, Rachel, and her cute family came to Lubbock for Easter weekend.
it's always funny having company to behold our insanity.
they watched us rush out the door to the premiere showing of
love it.
we sat in the SECOND ROW!! awesome!!
bought the cd.
still trying to learn the dance.
they joined us for continual "bunny world"
ooh. i did see leah walking once with a bunny in each hand (by the ears).
crazy, not-super-spiritual, but fun, passover
followed by a Jewish- spiral ham- dinner. :)
complete with potato pancakes, matzo ball soup, and burned asparagus... mmmm.
and a mean game of wii hula hoop.
never a dull moment at our house.


  1. When I checked your blog I saw Mia's face and couldn't be sure I had selected the right one. So cute!
    I love that picture Rachel made of your family--I want one!
    Glad you guys hooked up--have you inspired new Easter/passover traditions for the Ure's?
    Love it!

  2. jen, you are amazing. how you kept up steam and gave your kids such a memorable easter is beyond me! I am truly so grateful that you welcomed me in and made me feel like blood family. thanks. Also, thanks for the bag of easter goodies. Tuna and salmon weren't the best road trip items ( stinky and a little messy) but we appreciated the gesture so much :). The "big jesus grapes" as you call them were a hit. Mia keeps walking around saying bunny- they made a big impression on her.


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