May 30, 2009

end of the year brags...

Jakob finished 4th grade. His homeroom teacher was Mrs. Alexander (the blond right behind him). He is a great kid and a joy to have around, except on Sunday mornings. Jakob got... All A Honor Roll Principal's Award (for perfect behavior) Most AR Reading Points* Science Award (from the science teacher)* Most Artistic (from his class)* Best Sportsmanship (from PE)* Art Award (from Art)* Talent Plus Award (for playing Greensleeves on the piano in the talent show).
Drew finished 3rd grade with Mrs. Dennis.
He is wonderfully disciplined and is learning to control his issues with control. :)
Drew got...
All A Honor Roll
Citizenship Award (from Character Counts class)*
Math Star*
Commended Performance Math TAKS
Commended Performance Reading TAKS
Math Bee Participant (he tied for 3rd place)
Anna just finished 1st grade.
She is super, super smart. A complete perfectionist and a sweet, emotional girl. Ms. Teague has been perfect for Anna this year... she has seen Anna's potential but has also been adorably nurturing. Anna got...
All A Honor Roll
Gold Card Award
Highest Average in Reading*
Highest Average in English*
Accelerated Reader 30+ Point Club
Style Diva Award (voted by her class)*
Shining Character Award*
Ellie. Oh, Ellie.
What a kid. She has graduated from Kindergarten and her teacher was Mrs. Hagood. I LOVE Mrs. Hagood. I told her that I would give her one of my kids if she wanted one. :) Ellie is a good girl with spunk and emotion. I got a call AGAIN on Thursday that Ellie had no panties on... she was wearing a DRESS! That girl. I'm thankful for her sweet teacher who laughed and, I'm HOPEFUL that life with ellie will always be WONDERFUL and fun. Ellie got...
Certificate of Completion
The Art Award*
The Music Maker Award*

Note: The awards with a * are awards that only one child per class was awarded.

These kids are GREAT!! Yes, they keep me on my toes. But, they are smart and active and happy. I wouldn't change a thing.

Thanks for letting me brag!!


  1. So did Anna skip First grade? That's great that she can do so well.

  2. oops... no, she just finished 1st grade.

  3. Wow your kids are amazing!!! I have always thought so, but WOW look at all those achievements!! Be proud Mama :) OH and I think it's hilarious that Ellie "forgets" her panties :) haha


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