May 17, 2009

[not so] big fella moments...--EDITED

My BIG Fella!!
He had a busy day on Saturday...
First he worked with the girls to make this--
No, it wasn't as fast as it looks, but he was first in my book!!
(not really-- actually I'M SICK OF LOOSING these races... how hard is it to look on the internet and find all the secrets to pine wood derby racing. seriously. i'm going to take over and next time-- we're going to kick some bootey...) oh, i mean, it's not really about winning, it's about enjoying the race. Notice anything different?
ooo la la!!
is that jennifer aniston?
nope just me.
both jakob and i got a little lightening...
OK. honestly. i hate it.
(please don't tell the professor- my big fella.)
he did a great job,
it's just i feel more like ronald mcdonald than mandy moore.
yup. ORANGE.
actually, it's my fault.
cause, um. i think i messed everything up.
when i was done, there were still two full packets of stuff in my box.
one was a lightening powder, i think, i did add some lightening powder, but this one says "Make sure you add BOTH packets to the mix."
and the other, some foam stuff that i was also supposed to add to the mix.
i think that foam stuff makes it so your hair doesn't fall out the next day.
makes it so it doesn't turn more orange everytime you look in the mirror.
in these pictures it doesn't look so bad...
but they're from yesterday, and it is hard to get a realistic picture...
one side is better than the other... my left side is the big orange blob.
see, you can kinda see it in this picture (below)
and, i swear, it's getting worse. today it's way lighter than yesterday...
is this possible? who knows what that foam stuff was?
i think my hair is going to fall out tonight.
but, despite the loosing car and semi-loosing hair styling...
i still love this guy.
a lot.

oh, one more of the BIG FELLA...

EDIT-- Ok, when Todd and I took the "Big Fella" pictures we just laughed and laughed. He was so excited to post them and hear all the chubby jokes. But, you guys are too nice, or polite... Yes, that is all Todd's real skin, but he isn't that chubby... it's, um, smoke and mirrors... he's been workin' out lately... he's on the skinny trail... but the Elder Holland jowls- those are forever!! hee hee... thanks for bein' so sweet to my big fella...


  1. Um... have I mentioned recently that I love reading your blog? Seriously, every time I need a smile, I get online and see if you've posted anything new. I love basking in the Jen-ness of it all. And your hair looks cute in the pics. So you'll have to tell me if it falls out!

  2. it looks good on the blog. give it a week.

  3. Love the pics of Todd!
    At least you did something with your hair to be fun--I just pull mine up in a claw everyday (seriously, every day!).
    Looks cute on the blog!

  4. Todd's more beautiful than ever...however, you've got him beat. Your hair doesn't look bad on your blog. I'm totally afraid to self-highlight for the orange factor as well. Plain old brown for me. I bet Jakob feels pretty cool! Cute pics.


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