June 01, 2009

see what i won!!

OK, so I LOVE the bright side project... They have a lot of happy, fun giveaway opportunities-- They said... In order to try to add this lovely print to your home, office, sanctuary what have you please answer the following question: Is there any job/task that you love so much you would be willing to do it for free, if so what?
i said... love your site!! thanks for the daily sunshine. and, i LOVE being a mom. yup. i do it for free. we just added one to our clan, my sister is heading towards iraq and we have her son for the next year. (that makes 7 kids for us.) to be honest, you couldn't pay me enough to take another kid... i guess what i love is what i do... EVERY MINUTE of my life... for free. Posted by: Jenifer 05/26/2009 at 06:09 AM
For real.
They're sending me this print for my house.
Isn't that wonderful?!
I really need this sign to remind myself how grateful I am that I get to do what I LOVE every single minute of my day... Yes. It's hard. I'm tired. I'm lonely for lonely time. But, I KNOW I'm doing what I LOVE. What I've always dreamed of doing...
motherhood-- there is NOTHING that can compare.
we all can do what we love and love what we do.
and that is looking a little bit of sunshine delivered daily... thanks bright side!!!


  1. That print is fantastic. Congrats on your winning answer!

  2. I love that and am so happy for your win!!
    I also love the skating experience--I gotta take my kids out and do that. You are a great mamma!


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