June 22, 2009

virtual shopping...

Today, i bought myself 5 new dresses. well, not really... but almost. wouldn't they be cute/trendy momma dresses? go ahead, check out shabby apple and buy yourself a new wardrobe. someday they may be in my closet. till then, i'm content to have them copied into my picture files... (the top one is my favorite... i would wear it with my cowgirl boots... oh, it's so fun to shop virtually.)


  1. The third picture down looks like it COULD be you. Those dresses are totally cute...love 'em.

  2. It would be nice to be able to order those dresses and have them look anywhere near as cute on me and they did in the picture.
    You lucky girl--it would work for you!!
    I could definitely see you in each of those dresses.


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