July 23, 2009

glad i've got your number...

yup. we're on the road again. i've made so many good friends the past few days... friends from India, Tokyo?, Dallas, and California, just to name a few. it's like i took a road trip without leaving my home. my new friends and i, we've spent hours together... just chatting... something happened to my internet. it stopped connecting. our modem broke. well, i learned it's not really a modem, it's a router. If you look on the box and see green light, power; flickering green light, wireless; flashing green light, broadband; no light internet. BEWARE!! we typed in numbers... P(peter)A(alex)89.543.t(tom)H(harry).5467859302-39586793J(juliet- ohh that's a good one) 654.43532256 we learned to love the NO PPP LOGIN FOUND screen. we did a rip and rebuild together- maybe it was a rippin' rebuild. i got to know the sweet lady they sent to my home-- divorced with two kids, wanted five- her x-husband didn't. now, he's remarried, his new wife had three and they had one together. HA HA, he got SIX after all. serves him right for divorcing that nice lady... the nice lady, by the way, doesn't know anything about computers, she had to pass my ticket on to the bleach blond older guy, who visited us this morning. but the nice lady could tell me that all the lights were green. us, big family wanting women have a lot of skills, we both can tell the lights are green... Chii, or Jiiin, or something like that... she was the superstar. my new BFF. we spent about 3 hours chatting. seriously. while todd cooked tater tots, onion rings and fish sticks for dinner, and all the kids watched wipe-out, and, i heard them answering my cell phone saying, "she actually doesn't want to talk to you right now." (sorry aunt mill). i found todd's school lap top... we hooked it up to the wall, we reconfigured stuff on it, it worked. we found another connection cord (did i not say Ching was amazing) the blue one in the laptop case, we hooked the laptop up to our router (it's the thing that looks like a modem, but it's not) we reconfigured stuff and, it didn't work. so, she called a number and got the guy with the bleach hair to bring me something new. he showed up this morning bearing gifts. spent a lot of time walking around my tornado of a house (lots and lots of laundry piles!!) and, now i'm back online. i LOVE a good adventure. Thanks to all my new friends at AT&T. If any of you are LONELY or have a few hours on your hands, give them a call 1-800-246-8464. If you're SINGLE, Glen from California has a cute lisp. He was really, really nice. and helpful. well, he tried to be helpful. but, he wasn't the superstar that Jii was. oh, and... It may be a myth that you can hear gay. If it's not, he might be gay. But, either way he's a really nice guy to spend an hour with, so, give him a try. Thanks again to all of you who helped get my computer back online. I'm sure you'll be checking my blog frequently, just to keep in touch. And, I really hope that you are all as nice as you seemed, because... you know all of my passwords, my social, my birthday, my kids names and ages and special talents... i hardly know what to do with myself without one of you on the other end of my phone. luckily, i've got your number. and, you're there. 24 hours a day. and, by the way, i kinda like my new nickname "MissMoss"... maybe all my friends should call me that. MissMoss are you there? Can you hold, MissMoss? MissMoss? it's got a certain ring doesn't it?


  1. I am giggling. Fun read and sounds like a great adventure for you, "missmoss"--I get that one too sometimes, but usually without the moss--the gardener-guy likes to call me "meess" when he needs my attention.

  2. I like it, "MissMoss". I feel your pain on the whole AT&T thing... we spend 10 days w/out internet when we moved into our new house (7 days w/out a land line), and I spent literally HOURS talking to AT&T folk. I'm glad you found helpful people, b/c the first 3 I talked to were apparently hired during their "hire-the-differently-abled" promotion... aargh! I felt like I was drinking crazy juice! Anyhow... all that to say, I'm so GLAD you are back online. I missed you & your blog! Love ya!

  3. erm... that was supposed to read "we SPENT 10 days", not "spend". (Maybe AT&T can hire me?:-))


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