July 13, 2009

a little reality...

(i guess the professor wanted to record a "behind the scenes" moment...) Lily, Jillian and i had some bonding time tonight. i'm a bit sad, i liked Reid the best. 'nuff said. just a bit of reality for ya. i know. it's all junk.


  1. Really, you liked Reid the best? He was a great guy, but he couldn't even tell her how he felt! That is a big risk to take on her part! Me, I am more of a Kiptin woman myself. I can't wait for next week to see what that nasty Wes has to say for himself!! Not that my mom and I follow the show that closely...

  2. I liked Reid too. Jon says he thinks Reid is going to come back and tell her how he feels and it is going to make her all confused!!! I like Kiptyn but he is going to break her heart.

  3. We liked Reid, too. Yes, I Tivo the show so Matt can watch it after he gets home from work :)


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