July 12, 2009

lubbock archaeology...

a trip to lubbock lake to learn about archeology. um. i didn't see a lake, but... the kids had a lot of fun and were very engaged. we saw lots of bones. one guy showed them turtle bones and leah kept asking, "where's the turtle?" we showed her the bones and she said, "the turtle's hiding?" i tried to tell her, the turtle is dead. but, just when i thought she got it she'd ask again, "Can i see the turtle Mom?" nope. he's dead. dead, dead, dead... gone. guess she doesn't have the concept down. although that night when i asked her to pick up her blanket she said, "Moooom, it's not going to DEAD me." Jakob said he wants to be an archaeologist when he grows up. He'd been here before and prepared the kids for the dead buffalo and the naked girl in the museum part. very memorable. my favorite part was the paint brushes they made out of dried grasses. and, watching the big boys just as excited as the little kids. afterwards, ice cream, of course. and, a little excavation of our own. in the backyard desert. with water from our outside faucet. and mud. lots of mud. i'm not sure that there were any discoveries... but, it was a fun day. THANKS lubbock lake!!

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