July 06, 2009

our 4th...

We had a fun day of parades... patriotic hot dogs... street fairs... a potluck picnic in a dust storm... good times with friends and awe-inspiring fireworks...
today... i get to clean up the mess... and do LOTS and LOTS of laundry. YAY!!! anyone want to celebrate the 6th of July?


  1. Those are great pictures. My favs are all the kids lined up at the parade and Lily w/out a shirt...ADORABLE! Looks like you guys had a great 4th! I'll have to post my 4th pics tommorow. Today was catch-up blog day! Love you all!

  2. I love those pics!! I agree with nette that the picture of the kids all sitting on the curb is adorable--Justin definitely fits the look of your family.
    Fun clothes for the girls!


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