July 01, 2009


this print is from, the light garden...
hmm. today there are many people that i love that i'm wishing for... i wish for joy and happiness and wisdom. i wish for peace and love. i know. sometimes we have to sit by and watch those we love hurt sometimes we wish we could play someone elses game... move someone elses pawns... help, advise, encourage... yes. choose, change, direct... nope. sometimes those we love, can't or won't love us back. can they feel our love and encouragement? do they hear our hope and our wishes? i know. always, there is One who loves them more than i. who has the power to grant wishes. and sometimes He does. and sometimes He doesn't. always, He loves them more than i do. and always, He hopes just like i do. i know, He hears my wishes. for joy and happiness and wisdom. for peace and love. and so today. i close my eyes and blow all my wishes upwards. today, i'm wishing one for you. and today, i believe that wishes can come true.


  1. thanks for this *uplifting* sentiment

  2. Would you please write a book!!!

  3. Tears came to my eyes as I read that. It is so simple, so perfectly poetic, and filled with truth that is sometimes hard to accept, but so important to understand.
    Thank sharing it with the rest of us.


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