August 12, 2009


hey. thanks. i've been thinking a lot about friends lately and... i'm grateful for you. all of you. thanks for being a part of my life. cause, we all need lots of different kinds of friends. the family kind, the church kind, the neighborly kind, the same age kid kind, the smile at the store kind, the roll your eyes and laugh kind, the love across the miles kind, the kindred spirit kind, the same stage of life kind, the i used to be there kind and the someday i'll be there kind... the we must've been sisters in heaven kind, the you make me laugh kind, the i love you but you don't know me kind, the i want to be just like you kind, the talk to me while i clean toilets kind, the i love you cause you love my kids kind, the if we had more time together we'd be friends kind, the i read your blog and feel like we're friends even though i don't know what to say when my husband asks who you are kind... thanks. cause when i kneel down at the end of the day, i'm grateful for you and the big impact your little touch has had on my life.


  1. I am at least most of those friends...kind! You are to me too. I am glad we were blessed to find each other!

  2. Hi Jen, I have been following your blog through Emily's. It is really fun to read about your adventures. What a great example you are. I nominated your blog for an award on mine:

  3. I love you Jen :) Thanks for being my friend who inspires me!
    Wish we could hang out and play "cities and knights of Catan" again with you and Todd!!! :) oh, Good times.


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