October 14, 2009

what's for dinner? a picnic!!

Wednesday Picnics!! Last year wednesdays were my worst days... We have music from 5-6, and church from 7-8:15. Todd tries to go to the temple from 6-8pm, so i'm often flying SOLO. and, sometimes Drew has soccer practice from 6-7pm. I used to hate it, NOW, it's my favorite!! Because, I plan a picnic dinner. We usually have Sub Sandwiches. (On hoagie rolls, with meat, cheese, lettuce and tomato... the kids sometimes pick stuff off.) I buy individual drinks (usually gatorade) and a big bag of chips. Some fruit thing- like a piece of fruit, a fruit salad or a fruit roll-up. And dessert. Cookies, sweet breads, or a trip to the ice cream shop. We keep a quilt in the trunk. It's so fun. Why don't we picnic more often? The kids like the drinks and the after-dinner entertainment the best. I love the easy clean up. So fun!

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