November 12, 2009

my life in pictures...

 the professor is out of town.
it was our crazy wednesday.
music lessons, K.K's, a quick trip to the park with friends... then scouts.
it's getting colder, so instead of a picnic, we did wendy's in the car, in the church parking lot.
it was a beautiful texas night.
we had our window's rolled down and the country music playing.
the boys and i danced in the parking lot to a few good songs.
love it.
(ps.  the salad, pizza, and caramel corn were leftover pictures from this weekend.)


  1. What a fun day, Jen. I love how you go from the healthy salad and pizza at the beginning to the caramel corn to the Krispy Kremes and then Wendys.

  2. Looks like fun.
    I haven't had a krispy kreme in 3 years and I must admit that they are lookin' pretty good.
    Cute bare baby!!
    Pretty Ellie!

  3. Hi Honey--these pics look great! I can't wait to see you and the kids later tonight.

  4. love the one of you in the mirror too... such a stinkin cute family {& friends}!

  5. mmm that salad and pizza look so good! Could you post the recipes??!!


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