November 14, 2009

real LIVE orphans...

looking a little orphan this morning...

orphan and toothless. 
the professor pulled it out.... again. (at anna's request) UGHHHHH!

we took a trip.  when we do anything, we do it BIG!

the cheerleader.

she wanted it PINK.  or curly.  we decided on short-ish. (can you see the professor and me in this picture?)
she wanted it long... 10 inches, so she can donate to 'Locks of Love'...  we're almost there.


tah dah!!!  
lookin' a little less orphan, although i think we'll have toothless for the next few years.

ps.  once we were watching Oliver Twist and Oliver looked a bit like a girl with his long hair.  My boys wanted to know why.  I told them it was because he was an orphan and he had no mom to make sure he got a hair cut.  A couple days later we were at a park where there were some skater teenagers.  One of my kids yelled loudly, "LOOK MOM!! Real LIVE orphans!!" :)


  1. *grin*
    cracking up about the comment at the park :)

    your kids are beautiful...I love Ellie's new "shortish" do, and...this made me smile since we were just talking about orphans yesterday. :)

  2. love all the pics. So fun to see your family growing up--they all look a lot bigger, jen.
    You guys make everything fun.

  3. Great post, Jen. They all look great!

  4. They all look cute even in the before and after shots!!!

  5. haha I just watched Oliver... he does kinda look like a girl :)

    Your kids are so beautiful!!! They are getting so big... I can't belive how much older Ellie looks. Seems like she was just a baby.
    Great pictures! I want your camera!

  6. ...real live orphans! it : )


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