January 26, 2010

lighthouse view...

i'm still chugging along with my painting and re-docorating. 
i THINK i'm done painting
(i even touched up all my woodwork last night!!)

the first two pictures are my HALLWAY... you can see my hallway from my living room.
i LOVE the grey/blue.
my sister-in-law has it in her house and i copied. 
it's from Columbia paints, "Lighthouse View".  Sherwin Williams bought Columbia, so if you ask them you can get them to mix it for you.

the third picture is my laundry.  it's really just the end of my kitchen, which is connected to my living room.
my house is a small ranch... with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and one big room (kitchen, laundry, dining and living room)
i used the same color as in the hall.
my enjoy letters i cut out from contact paper and then painted over top.
it was actually a tester for the big tree i ended up doing in the little girls' room.
i'm not sure if i'll keep enjoy yet, but so far it's been fun.
that's all.
now, i have to do a fast clean cause i have a friend from pta coming over soon.  
have a great day!! 


  1. love it.
    I have that blue in my kitchen. I love love love it. And totally keep the "enjoy". It looks great.

  2. great color! the "enjoy" is so great. I love words. when you have to look at your laundry room so many times a day it is nice ot have little happy places for your eye to go.

  3. Love, love, love it! Hooray. I'm glad it turned out so classy and fun.


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