January 11, 2010

love these...

BAGS-- in the fall i saved up $20 and bought 10 of these re-usabe grocery shopping bags.  i LOVE them!!  they almost always hold ALL my groceries, cause they're great.  and, they're cute.  and, they keep everything standing up, not all scrunched together.  love these!  (ps.  i LOVE the grocery store, not going grocery shopping, just being there, in the PRODUCE section.  yes, it's exhausting, but honestly... i can't go to the store without thanking God for this land that i live in... the bounty that is ours.  bananas, peaches, strawberries, mangos, oranges, pineapple... in the WINTER... in TEXAS.  love it.)

LEMON JUICER--  i LOVE this.  i have bought at least 10 different kinds of lemon juicers, just because i like lemon water, and i don't like the peel taste, and i heard drinking lemon water will help you loose weight... anyway, i hate them all.  because they break or don't work.  this ceramic one is the best.  and, it's so cute.  love it.

WATER COLORS-- who can resist water colors?  i LOVE little kid water colors.  love them.  even when they drop on the floor and splatter everywhere (you know you love wiping up spilled water colors with paper towels and seeing all the colors... and, how fun is it to watch the colors in the sink when you're rinsing paint brushes and little fingers.)  i love watching little kids pick their colors and draw lines and squiggles, but by far the best part is watching the water cup turn colors.  love em!!


  1. the simple things, huh? Gotta love 'em.

  2. Cute bags - hey, you might want to check with your store. Lots of stores will give you a nickel credit for each bag you use. It might take 10 years, but you would eventually get your $20 back :-)

  3. soooooooo nice talking to you on the phone! let's do it more often!

  4. I just LOVE your blog! It is filled with inspiration and sweet mothering tips and ideas.


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