January 25, 2010

on getting older...

so, i wasn't a girly-girl in highschool.
honestly, this is a regret of mine.  i wish i had played in my mom's make-up more... or bought my own to play in.  learned to do my hair... things like that.

and, i wish i had kissed more boys... the NICMO (non-commital-make-out) kind... i was always so GOOD... i used to quote...  "the more a dollar's printed, the less each one is worth, and so it is with kisses, you've given since your birth. the more and more you give away the more your kiss is known and to all the world your kiss is cheap and your affection shown..."  BLAH... i should've just kissed em.  but this is another story.  and, don't tell my girls that i said that.

my mom bought me clinique face stuff... but i didn't know how to do real make-up till my friend Saline (a Mary-Kay consultant) came over and showed me how to make an aligator mouth on my eyelids.  i was 25.

in college my friends, the Gressels stayed with me for a week and as a thank you they left me a bag of make-up.
and, once my Aunt Sue sent me a whole bunch of stuff she had but didn't use.
i remember the professor buying me some make-up and hot rollers for christmas when we were were first married, "i think girls are supposed to use this stuff" i remember him saying to me.
in general, i've never thought about make-up much...
till i hit 30.
i'm 32 now and i can see the darker spots that come from years and years of burning in the hot summer sun at the pool.
and, i care about my skin now.
maybe it's texas.  there are MANY beautiful texan woman.
maybe it's that i have a lot of kids and i don't want to look like the peanut-butter kid mother.

so.  for christmas i asked for make-up.
ulta mineral make-up.
it was more than i had ever spent on make-up before.
and, i think i like it.
the professor likes it.  sometimes i spend 15 minutes putting on make-up and when i'm done i can't tell a big difference.
but i suppose that's good.
you can decide...

and... i love advice, so if you have any girly-girl tips that i missed in highschool... feel free to share.
and... i need a new hair idea... any suggestions?
have a great monday!


  1. I think your hair looks beautiful. love the color. and...your makeup is beautiful. YOU are beautiful! I love that color on you - it makes your eyes look really blue. :)

  2. Jen, truth be told I think you always look beautiful but I think we're harder on ourselves than other people are. I am a low-maintenance person, too, and I don't like to look made up so i go pretty casual with moisturizer and some good mineral foundation and that's it. Sorry I don't have any better tips for ya.

  3. I wish I knew how to put on makeup. I so don't. Eyeliner and mascara cause someone told me my eyes were too big and I heard someone else say eyeliner would help, or something...blah, blah.
    That was years ago. Like high school, I think. And forevermore.
    I like what you've got going on there. You look very pretty. Drink lots of water and eat vitamin c rich foods to keep your skin looking good. That's all I know.

  4. I just wrote you the longest comment and it wouldn't accecpt it. I had tons of girly make-up tips and it was awesome. I guess I will try again tomorrow. Hey, could you send me you address. You can e-mail it to me so you don't have to put it on here. It's shelleyanngee@gmail.com


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