January 19, 2010

option 5???

i know, i'm annoying.

i had my decision all made... i had my shopping cart all loaded and i just couldn't push send.
i couldn't.

and then...
i found this one on the disk of pictures.
i kinda like it the best?
it reminds me of eternity.
(with drew and leah's funny grins...)

blah.  decisions.


  1. I really like this one. I was having a hard time committing to the other ones because they are all so cute in different ways. But I really like this one.
    Such cute pictures.

  2. And from the other ones...option two. Maddie and I both agree.

  3. LOVE it! I'd pick this one as the main one. But I still like the side pictures of #1 to go along with it. :)

  4. My favorite one for a large one, by a mile--love it!

  5. Well, Jen, I like this one the best; however, I can't remember who said it in your last post, but I agree with them, I like people more than background. I want to see faces, not just scenery. I really like this family one the best. I LOVE the one of just you and Todd, where he looks very distinguished, and then another one of JUST the kids. Wow. Decisions are hard. I can't wait to see what you decide!!

  6. Love it! Such cute pictures to choose from. Good luck!

  7. ...or you can always print them all!! and make a cute arrangement, right?


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