February 22, 2010

body for life- day 1

The professor and I are doing a 12 week challenge.
Have you heard about Body for Life?
You can check out the website here www.bodyforlife.com.
Today, February 22, we are beginning day ONE.
(we took our before pictures on Saturday... they will NOT be posted on our blog!!)
Want to do it with us?  You just have to sign up by March 11th.  And, it's FREE.  And, you could win $25,000.  :)  except that i'm going to win it...
i heard about this from my aunt.  She's done the program and has lots of friends who've done it... she says it works better than anything she's ever seen.
we bought the book here for 6 cents plus $4 shipping.

11 weeks and 6 days to go!!


  1. Dave, Kelley, Shawn, and Amy are all doing this too.

  2. I wanted to email you, but can't find your email address. When you get a chance email it to me at ssjt@juno.com

  3. hooray!!!

    my mom has done it... and many friends too. i'll be cheering you on the whole way... your kids are welcome to come play at my house if you need. Lexie has expressed her desire for a 44 wipe change asap. :) Go Team Moss? Jodd? Tonifer? What are you calling yourselves?


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