February 16, 2010

a cash bash.

jakob's getting a bit old for the themed birthday parties.
but, this year it was a lot of fun... he wanted a Money Party.
yes, he's male.  (and um, i want a money party for my birthday too...)

i had a lot of fun thinking of things to do with lots of 11 year old boys...
these were the invitations...
we made banks (i don't think i got a picture)  my favorite part of the banks was collecting quotes about money that they could modge podge on them-- like "money can buy a dog, but it can't make it's tail wag" i made the kids listen while i read them the whole list of quotes i loved... see, still a mom even at a party...
we hung money from a rope on the ceiling and they had to shoot it down with darts- they could keep the money they shot down (up to 2 bills per turn).  we had $1's $2's and one $20 that i stealthily hot glued on the rope... they didn't figure it out till they had spent a LONG time trying to shoot it down. (so fun!)...
we folded dollars into shirts and rings (here are the instructions)...
we ate cheesecake and opened presents...
the kids "bought" their own take home prizes (stuff i picked up from the dollar store)...
we gave them dollar coins and if they could drop them from their forehead into a bowl, they got to keep them...
we did silly string and wrestling on the trampoline- boys...
and we played the good, old fashioned name game.

even though they all left with some money, i didn't spend more than we normally do (no party favors)... and, it was a lot cheaper than taking them somewhere for a party.  i really think birthday parties are important, i loved that my jakob felt special, that he had fun with his friends and that i got to meet a few of his school friends that i didn't know before.  and, i liked seeing how they all interacted together.  he has really nice friends... i HOPE that trend continues.

just fyi... i REALLY like this boy.


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