February 11, 2010

sock curls.

i saw this on another blog (i think one of the eyre girls) and thought i'd try it.

you just roll your girls hair in socks and in the morning... curls.
i'm not good with curls in general.
curlers turn my girls into annie-nightmares.
(sorry no after pictures-- it was SUNDAY morning... ellie's hair is still a bit too short, but it still looked cute.  leah's hair was cute messy-spirals and anna's long hair was fun!)

it was mild and sweet... not perfect curls, but styled and cute.
for sundays, i liked the socks better than anything else i have tried.

anyway... this post was for sonja... and anyone else who wondered about my girls' hair in the fort post.
socks.  that's the secret.

my friend sara (from our branch blog) always does her daughter's hair in PERFECT curls.
i really need to ask her HOW she does it.

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