April 07, 2010

a trip.

i am so grateful for our Moss family.
driving 23 hours there and back is exhausting, but honestly, i love the memories we create.

our week was full and memorable.
we buried sweet toby.
it was a sad and hopeful time.
i am so inspired by the example of my dear brother and sister in law...
love them.

we celebrated passover on wednesday night... with 21 people plus a seat for Elijah.

on April 1st, my sister in law Lanette, Anna and I all had birthdays.
i thought i was turning 34-- turns out i'm only 33, so this year already started out better than anticipated!
Anna turned 8 and was baptized.
We had lots of family over for her Chinesse food celebration.
so fun.

my SIL's and I did lots of thrift store and ross/tjmax/down east outfitter shopping...
oh... the fun stuff i unpacked when i got home.
(white pitchers for above my kitchen cabinets, fun old fashioned ruffle shirts and blue boots and a cute dress and some 50 cent books...)
i think i'd be poor if we visited more often.
well, more poor.
 we had a surprise cousin party for lanette on Friday... she turned the big 3-0.
Saturday was conference and our Jesus dinner.
(read about last year's here)
we eat what Jesus would have eaten (kinda)
i found some YUMMY gelled fish... it's a jewish custom.
and me, i'm all about customs.  MMMMM.
we dyed Easter eggs but missed out on our hunt because it SNOWED.
 Sunday we drove home and stopped for lunch in Salt Lake with my good friend, Dani.

(She lives in a tiny apartment under Lex De Azevedo... i was grateful he was not home to see my kids tromping through his gardens...)

on the way home we listened to conference, books on tape and we stopped to see where Billy the kid was buried...

and now, back to everyday.
sometimes most of the time, i wish we lived closer to family.
today, i'm grateful to be home and full of plans for my day.
laundry (done)
straighten up (done)
blog (doing)
grocery shopping (to do)
piano/violin, soccer, scouts, temple (to do)

life is good.


  1. Glad you had such a good trip, and glad you are not only back home, but back to blogging... I MISSED you!!!

  2. knew this post was coming. it did not disappoint- except that i found out i missed being able to see anna get baptized! oh well, i am happy she had so much family there to share that time. i also bought those cute walmart gummies ( owl.... they made me so proud of walmart

  3. We did have a lot of fun didn't we. It was so good to see all of you again. Hope we can do it all again soon!!!
    Love ya!


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