May 19, 2010

the best cleaning supplies. (in my humble opinion).

i'm full in the midst of my spring cleaning redecorating.
and i have oh so much to show you.
but... i can't forget to mention my NEW FAVORITE thing.

i have gotten rid of these...

and fell in love with these...

Don Aslett, he's my man.  If he can't do it, no one can.--
want to spend money on CLEANING SUPPLIES??
go here!! (
personally, i love everything i've bought from him.
1.  For FLOORS.
My floors are TILE.  dirt brown tile. with grout and texture.
I have a love/hate relationship with mopping and sweeping.
My floors need lots of TLC, but i hate sweeping and still seeing junk on the floor.
I hate mopping and it still seems dirty or streaky.
WHY?! when my time is precious would i want to spend time for less than optimal results.
at christmas time i splurged on a swiffer wet jet.
many i know love this.
i hate it.
yes, it's easy, but i never felt that my floor was clean.
i hate the "ripping of a maxi-pad" feeling
i hate the streaks
i hate the "i have to buy more stuff before i can clean" feeling.
i like this kind of "broom"
and a reusable, washable, microfiber mop.
just spray and wipe.
i use this dust broom-- every day.

i mop about twice a week.  (Bathrooms and entryway, once.  Kitchen, at least twice.)
If i'm feeling clean-y i take a wet microfiber rag and spray and wipe all the edges and corners by hand after i sweep.  Then i wet-mop.
I've tried MANY, MANY products and don has my favorite.
Clean and Brite--- it's a concentrate that you just pour into a spray bottle and add water.
love it.

that's why i like this stuff.
the johnny mop- quick and FUN for toilets.  (I do this once a week, unless i see a yucky toilet in between)
bathroom spray for counters and quick wipe-downs (I do this probably twice a week-- takes 30 seconds!)

mirrors with window spray.

and this magical stuff for hardwater--- showers and tubs (I do this about once a month)
seriously-- MAGIC.

i did like swiffer dusters.
but, i like this better.

i keep this cute mit in my little cleaning caddy and just swipe dust.
I can see the dirt on the mit, and when I'm done I just wash the mit... no re-buying.

4. SPRAYS n stuff.
I really like having 4 types of cleaner that I use for everything.

bathroom (this is a disinfectant- i also use it on my kitchen).
heavy duty cleaner (this is for greasy, hard to clean things).
fake windex.  (i also bought don's outdoor squeegie and wiper and joy-see the video below...  to do the outside of my windows, but i like my fake windex for quick cleaning.)
clean and brite (for floors).

i used to use a lot of swiffer stuff and clorox wipes- now i use spray bottles and washable microfiber.
and, i love it.
i like don's heavy duty spray bottles and his cute little packages of stuff.  You just fill your bottle to the line with water and add the package of concentrate.  I hate throwing out plastic bottles- this way i don't have to.
it just feels good and smart to use less.

 AND- these are the cleaning supplies our church uses in all their temples and church buildings.  I'm sure of it.

What I bought.
-Complete Cleaning Kit (note- the mop handle and the wet/dry mop come with this kit)
- Mini Pro Dust Mop- just the attachment
-window squeegie and yellow wiper

-wood and furniture polish for my cabinets
-and extra bothroom, window and heavy duty cleaning packs

What I wish i bought.
-an extra clean and brite (so i don't have to reorder forever)
-an extra wet/dry mop pad
(because i want two in case i mop before i do laundry- although they are not hard to rinse out in the sink).

That's all my cleaning goodness.
i cleaned my house yesterday, so today, i'm feelin' all CLEAN and BRITE!!
don- love him!  and, if he came and cleaned my house, the professor just might be in trouble...


  1. Jen thanks for this post! You read my mind-I was just thinking that I was going to ask the blogging world about their cleaning tricks! I am totally going to save up for some of this stuff. (Now I'm a real mom since I get excited about CLEANING SUPPLIES). So, when are you going to post all of your LAUNDRY tricks? ...keeping "G's" white, stains, water temperatures...

  2. I think you know I am allergic to the chemicals in cleansers. However, since the day I discovered organic products that have no sulfates, I am a happy camper.
    Try Dr. Bronners on soap scum. NOTHING beats it. It wont hurt your hands at all. It would not destroy the water it touches and it will do the job better than anything else you have ever tried. I am dead serious!! (just don't read the labels, he is like a freak of some sort.)

  3. I think you know I am allergic to the chemicals in cleansers. However, since the day I discovered organic products that have no sulfates, I am a happy camper.
    Try Dr. Bronners on soap scum. NOTHING beats it. It wont hurt your hands at all. It would not destroy the water it touches and it will do the job better than anything else you have ever tried. I am dead serious!! (just don't read the labels, he is like a freak of some sort.)

  4. I used to clean (train Elders to clean anyways) at the MTC. We had to watch his videos all the time for training! I love his advice and have used it ever since!

  5. Thanks for posting that, jen.
    I think it is time to order!!

  6. Jen, do you know if this stuff is natural? I have my own cleaning business now and I have alot of house that have alot of animals or children and they need natural products. I always love everything that you post! If this isnt natural its ok there are meleluca and thevies products that I could use too!!!

  7. Jess-- The stuff i use is not natural... they do have a green cleaning kit at the same website ( or, you could check out the checkitt's blog (do you remember them?) she just posted about lots of natural, cheap cleaning stuff...
    good luck!!

  8. thanks for this info jen. I've had this post up on my computer for DAYS so that I will remember to go check this stuff out on the website. Do you think the toilet thingy really works? That's the job I have the hardest time getting clean.


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