May 05, 2010


last night we had our last general PTA meeting for the year.
this is the end of my 2 years as president.
[the end of me being IN CHARGE, but NOT the end of me being INVOLVED.]

the board completely surprised me-- it was SO sweet.
see what i got?

this kind plaque

AND a framed picture of the board (everyone signed the matte)
AND a gift certificate to a NAIL SPA!!
(see you later crusty heels...)

i'm very rarely surprised.
last night, i was surprised.
and grateful.
i LOVE those girls-- sweet friends i never would have come to know if it weren't for PTA.

and... want to watch a video that will CHANGE you-- i've watched it twice.  go here...
want to watch another video that will make you LAUGH-- go here... 
i really need to figure out how to put you tube videos on my blog.


  1. under the youtube video there is an embed button. you can change the size of the video and color of the border. then you just copy all of the code and paste it in your blog post. hope that helps.

    congrats on making it through the year. I bet you did a super job!

  2. Love ya, friend. Ha! Happy we caught you off guard! :)

  3. p.s. and didn't you post a Francis Chan you-tube video on your blog once? the one about balance....


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