May 31, 2010

Summer Ideas- plan a picnic

This summer, let your KIDS plan a picnic.

Let them plan...
at your morning scripture time say, do you think it would be fun to go on a picnic today?
Where should we go?
What should we eat?
What should we bring?
Let's leave by noon.  When do you think you should start getting your part ready?

Divide the jobs...
someone makes kool-aid (or crystal light- that's my favorite)- this works great for little ones.
someone makes sandwiches
someone packs snacks
someone is the organizer (not mom)- this person packs the blanket, the cups, the napkins, the stuff other people have made...

Tips for mom--
Let them REALLY plan the meal.   It doesn't have to be perfect picnic food... remember, we brought homemade funnel cakes??  Let them pack what they are excited about.
Don't NAG... DON'T remind.
Let this be their picnic, let them be responsible for their own part of it.
You'll probably laugh as they watch the clock and ask you every 2 minutes... is it almost 11... do i need to start yet??!!
When it's close to leaving time, IF a child hasn't done their job (this really doesn't happen often) just say, "Well, it's time to get in the car.  I guess we won't have sandwiches this time, that's sad."
If the organizer forgets the napkins-- don't pack them.  If the organizer forgets the cups-- DON'T remind or pack them.
At the picnic, when your looking for cups, just smile and say, "Anna, how do you think we can drink our lemonade?"  Laugh with the organizer with an "oops, next time" shrug. 
What will probably happen is that you'll be surprised that the organizer has thought of more things than you have.

Do you like reading posts like this or are you like, DUH!??  


  1. no, I like posts like these. you must have read love and logic, is that what you use?

  2. this is a great post. thanks for sharing so many good ideas.

  3. Let me tell you, girl, there is NOTHING you post that makes me say DUH! I need all the help and ideas I can get. I'm not good at letting my kids do things like this...AND, even though it sounds weird, I don't THINK of letting my kids do things like this. So thanks for the ideas. Keep 'em coming!


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