June 14, 2010

summer ideas- go to the library.

how i love the library.
especially if we go armed with a purpose.
in the car on the way to the library we thought about the types of books we were looking for.
jakob is working on his boy scout reading merit badge.
the kids each have goals they want to do this summer.

the girls had the sweet librarian scouring the library for them, and the boys and i spent time navigating the card catalog.
(Lily was in her stroller with me, and Leah spent 20 minutes collecting a MOUNTAIN of books in the kids section-- no worries, before we left the big kids each learned how to re-shelf children's books.)

we found books to read for fun.
and, books on growing things, origami, sculpture (sculpy)... etc.
i put a big basket on my family room table to hold all the books.
we LOVE to read them all day.
(I think it's funny that you can see PTA on the label for this basket-- yup.  my pta basket is empty and full of SUMMER books.  perfect.)

i got The Theif, by Megan Turner Whalen.
(thanks for the recommendation!!)
loved it.
SOOO good.
i have to go today to get the next one in the series.
how i love the library.


  1. i too love the library. and i love the thief series, though the first book was my least favorite of them all--my favorite, I think, is the queen. i don't feel like capitalizing anything today either.

  2. The Boys Star the War by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (the author of Shiloh) is a fun series. I read the first two or three to my class each year and many of the students go on to read all 12 books.

    Time for Andrew by Mary Downing-Hahn is also one of my favorites.

    There are others, but I won't fill your comment section with them...


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