July 26, 2010


we drove over to josie's this morning to say goodbye.
the girls wore their new dresses.
i gave her the flowered quilt that she had admired in my craft room.
she said, "jakob, God-willing, i will see you as a missionary in my country in 8 years.  and, i will take care of you."

it was 8 in the morning, and my kids are all eating the lollipops that i brought home with me from Austin.
have a sweet day!
ps.  don't look too close at the dresses.  especially leah's.  remember, i only got an 85%.
and, i didn't make the baby's dress.  well, i did make her one, but i'm not finished yet.

pps.  we decided to leave for our MONTH trip to Idaho tomorrow morning at 5am. (one week earlier than planned.)  i have to pack A LOT today.  and, i'm really procrastinating getting back to real life.  i LOVE packing.  i LOVE packing.  i LOVE packing.  i LOVE driving 20 hours straight thru.  i LOVE driving 20 hours straight thru...  love it.  right?!


  1. pta lollipops make cute pictures. :) Especially love the one of Lily - so cute! Had a great time this weekend. Thanks for all your wisdom and ideas. It's hard when you get filled up with so much wisdom and determination and confidence, then have to come back to real life and implement everything. It's hard to come back and realize "everything's exactly the same as it was when I left."

    BUT, I do have a couple of great Love & Logic stories already! I tried it last night, and then looked at hubby, CRACKED UP, and said, "It's like magic!!" Haha.

    Hope you guys have a great trip - we'll miss you!

  2. You are excited about a 20 hour drive? Are you crazy? Do you have a death warrant? Questioning your sanity…

    However, enjoy your trip.

  3. LOVE those dresses! That blue fabric print is fun.

    My husband and oldest son are just outside Austin, Texas this week. I am soo missing them. They both keep complaining about the heat and humidity. I wouldn't complain if I were just with them!


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