July 06, 2010


 112 smiling faces.
(make that 111... lily just got another one.)
nope.  not perfect... but still happy!
oops.  turns out lily is a super cookie sleuth.
mom 111 lily 3
good thing i made extra.
[edit-- just want you to know that these cookies were for ME.
i thought they would be fun to make, and they were!
i'm sure teenagers would have appreciated an ice cream sandwich from Sam's that cost the same, looked better, and took way less time.  
but, i've never made sugar cookies before... and my kids were excited to help... 
and, it was only Monday.  
i don't have to start crossing projects off my list till Thursday!]


  1. In those cookies I see an awful lot of work.

    It's good you had extra ones, too.

  2. oh my goodness, these are adorable! and I love how the one in the center of the top picture has a cute little curl coming off the top of his head. :)

  3. Those are so very cute! I'm sure the kids will love them.

  4. thanks for sharing your ideas on chores, consistency, kindness. mostly this week i needed the 'kindness' reminder. I like your current chore system too. We're always swapping things up and I might try the glass wipeboard this fall.


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