July 02, 2010


ok.  so i'm doing the food for a youth conference at our church NEXT WEEK.
for 100 teenagers.
i need some BRUNCH recipes.
for Saturday morning.
have any good ones?
and, on Friday night i thought we were doing a cookout and it turns out we're doing a FORMAL dinner with a ROYAL theme.
i'm trying to get a pig for a pig roast. if i can't, we'll do ham.
do you have a great cheesy potatoe recipe??
do you do anything wonderful to green beans for 100?
a lovely dessert? 


  1. Wow, for 100?

    How about fry bread or scones? Those are pretty easy for preparing and the kids can put whatever 'topping' they'd like on it.

    Dinner ideas for royalty? Hmmmm….no help here.

  2. I e-mailed you a couple of recipes. The mashed potatoes are Honey's specialty.

  3. this is why i am so glad that everyone know that i don't cook. this would be my own personal nightmare. love your skills babe. it will be beautiful. i say you go crazy and turn it into a royal mess dinner and do one of your no manners dinners. ( at least they won't ask you next year)
    ok- look at my blog and "THAT is how you cn trade me back for all the little things you want from me

  4. Diana has an awesome recipie for a fruit pizza that's simple. she put it on her blog not to long ago. That would be fun for a brunch.

    If anyone can do it you can, but I'll still pray for you!!

  5. Bryan made up this potatoe recipe - it is yummy and supper easy!

    Mooses potatoes:
    1 bag southern style hashbrowns
    1 family size can Cream of chicken soup
    8 oz. sour cream
    a little milk (like maybe 1/3-1/2 a cup)
    grated cheese
    salt and pepper

    Mix it all together, put in a 9x13 pan and sprinkle more cheese on top. Bake at 375* for 45 minutes to an hour.

    Good luck! :)

  6. Oh, and you want the southern style hashbrowns without the peppers and onions :)


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