July 13, 2010

summer ideas- take time for toads.

run for you life little toad!!  run!!
i laugh at my little "summer ideas"
we are NOT taking trips to disney world
or Tahiti
my kids are not in ONE camp
not taking swimming lessons
we haven't even gone to one library event or to barnes and nobles.
not once.
we have bought new books at Sam's a couple of times.
and, we have gone to the library-- just not for their magical summer program
we have hung out with friends.
we have gone to the dollar movies.
we have take one trip, 30 minutes away to a community swim center that cost $2 per person and has 2 water slides.

life is cheap and easy.
we have time to tame toads.
and do lots of this
and this
today at the pool i thought.
these are the days.
a neighbor asked... are these ALL your kids??
yup, i smiled as i lay covered in tanning oil on my lawn chair...
it's a hard job.


  1. love those moments where life feels blessed. Sam's club has such fun books. I think itis the best place for a birthday present.
    and jen, i can't really sew. I promise that if you saw my little houses up close you would understand the limits of my abilities. I used a lot of hot glue and only one really stands up straight. But thanks for the compliment

  2. I didn't think of it yesterday, but is chlorine water good for frogs? Just wondering...

  3. I googled "Book of Mormon reading chart", looked through the images and found your blog.

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the chore chart idea! Fantastic.

    I also skimmed a few pages and saw your quest to easily peel a hard boiled egg. It has nothing to do with how you cook them, but how old the egg is. Older eggs peel easier. The fresher the egg, the more the shell sticks.

  4. NOTE-- we FOUND the frog in the pool. really, we were rescuing him!

  5. ps. THANKS for the tips Reenie!!
    I really am a hard boiled egg reject.


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