August 08, 2010

birthday traditions.

borrowing a tradition from the EYRE's, we are trying to start some fun birthday traditions.
Ellie decided that every year on her birthday she wanted to "go camping"
that's easy, i thought, we could just set up a tent in the backyard... or have a sleeping bag sleepover in the basement.
to ellie, "camping" doesn't mean tent. 
it means camp fire. 

with marshmallows.

sounds fun!!
so, we had our first annual birthday bash ala camping.
we had fun family and friends and MARSHMALLOWS.

even though ellie doesn't like to eat marshmallows.
it's all about the cooking anyway.
did you notice our watermelon?

yeah.  i cut it all jagged with a knife... i've always wanted to do that.
yes.  my brother in law has a carrot up his nose.
he's like that.
and how about another picture for those of you who cringe at my NO PAD trampoline...
it's so fun to hang out with family...
and i sure love that ellie girl...
7 years.  can you believe it?


  1. Looks like an awesome event. I love the shot of the grandmother…her expression is priceless.

    BTW, 'camping' without a fire is just sleeping outside.

  2. Hi Honey--love the pictures! I'm grateful that you are so diligent at documenting all the important events in our family. It will be so fun to read these in 10 years!

    Love you! :D

  3. Way to comment, Todd!!

    Wish we were there to help celebrate and add to the dangerous pick-up truck rides!

    Happy Birthday, Ellie!

  4. Hello, I hope you don't mind me taking up some comment room on your blog. I found your blog over at Alison's blog.

    I just love your blog. It's so nice to see more big families that are living outside of Utah. Keep up the good work. I am now a follower.

    PS my name is Letti and I am a mom to 6 kids in Southern California :)


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