August 27, 2010


yesterday was a bummy day.
i NEED to clean my house.
it's the worst... piles-o-crap... from our trip
and suitcases that i still haven't unpacked...
and... i just forgot how to be superwoman and swoop through in an afternoon.

actually, truth be told, it is SO NICE to lay my little girls down to naps in the afternoon, in their own beds, where they sleep for 3 hours... that i can't help laying right down with them and enjoying a lazy- "school is in session and i have NO ONE that needs me for the next 3 hours"- nap.

only, my house is still messy when i wake up.
and i hate that.
and so, yesterday was restful but bummy.

want to chat?
call me this afternoon...  keep me awake and distracted and MAYBE i'll tackle the piles.
i need to stop by a health store and buy me some essential oil...
i have only used them briefly at a friends house, but i have visions of a quiet afternoon... my bed is calling...  i pull out my SUPERWOMAN essential oil, rub some on my feet and TAH DAH!!!!

oh, i really need some of that stuff.
hope your day is grand...
not bummy.
hmm.  not sure why i was a bit bum focused on this trip... but just between you and me, i think the professor has a darling bootie.


  1. for the record you are not allowed to post my bum anywhere on your blog!!!! :)

  2. This is a funny post :) I had to post pictures of what my house looked like yesterday so that it would get me motivated.

  3. Hey, Jen, do know the link to South Plains Sisters? I can usually find anything I need online but couldn't find that. Thanks!


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