August 25, 2010

little girls.

i was grocery shopping yesterday and it hit me...  my babies are gone.
over the summer they grew into little girls.
big helpers.
yes.  we still have baby talk... but no babies.
summer took them from me.
i think i need another one...

funny.  today was the day i had NOTHING planned.
i was going to clean up from my trip ALL DAY long.
we started with breakfast, scripture time, drop off at 2 schools...
now, i'm off to the gym, to the school to bring a forgotten lunch, play date at the park at 10am and a PTA lunch date at noon...
THEN nap time and clean the house time...
IF i don't take a nap.
then pick the kids up from school, chores, dinner, showers, family prayer, bed...

all summer long i kept wondering why it was so hard for me to go to the gym everyday during the school year.
i remember.

ps.  i don't believe in cleaning all day long anyway.
i try to save the middle of my day for eternal things... like relationships.
and thus off to the park we go...
i'm afraid my little girls will be grown before i know it!

what are you doing with your afternoon??


  1. LOVE that picture! It is priceless. And I too don't believe in the all day cleaning thing!

  2. I need to take your advice. Having six kids it seems like I have to clean, wipe and pick up all day long just to keep up.

    PS I got the soccer sleeve holders at a local soccer store. I have seen them on the internet too. But you can always make them with ribbon and velcro because that is really all it is:)

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. That picture is FABULOUS! (Oh, and your girls took cute in it, too!:-))

  4. I've been lurking for a while, and I just have to say how much I love your blog. Your fantastic attitude towards mothering is inspiring. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  5. This afternoon? Student assessments and grading journals for an hour or two…

    Where oh where did the summer go?


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