September 22, 2010

more anita.

i love this woman.
so funny.

and one more...
(i found these on made for love and glue... but i've posted her before... she's the mom's weird al.)
this is to beyonce's "put a ring on it."  so funny.


  1. Jen, thanks so much for that. I have seen her before, and prompted by your post I just went to youtube to check out some other videos. This one had me in tears, I haven't laughed that hard in ages:

    I needed a real-life giggle. Thanks.

  2. These are awesome, Jen. It's been a crazy morning here so far- I really needed that :)

  3. I needed that too! I only wish I had one of our mom's close by to come save us!!!

  4. I am crying I am laughing so hard!! Thanks Jen!!

  5. I love her. I was so hormonal the first time I watched "Love Story"... I totally cried because it is so dead on.

    She's so funny. Have you seen the morning breath one (to Faith Hill's "Breathe")? hehehe!

  6. Um, LOVE HER!!! Totally didn't know about her (except for the one thing you'd posted before...) HI-larious!! Thanks for a great laugh!:-)


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