September 12, 2010

spirit sleeves.

see these cute kids...
don't they make you want to buy blue/yellow SPIRIT SLEEVES?!
we sure hope so.
how i love pta...
and cute kids.


  1. Jen,
    I love them! I have been looking for them ever since you posted something about some a long time ago. I think they are brilliant! And I need some. You want to pass on the how to? Or where?

  2. Yes I too would love to know where you can get them. They are so cute especially with the colder months coming up!

  3. Love these pictures! You did a such great job. Thanks so much for taking them for us, they are awesome! I know the orders are going to be pouring in now! :)

  4. mind telling me where you got these. is it for the entire school? my kid's school has done t-shirts the past few years and i think these would be a fun change.

    thanks -

  5. yeah... we are selling these for our school fundraiser. We get them wholesale and then re-sell them. I don't have all the information right now, but I'll get it and post it soon.
    They come in lots of different colors...
    They're cute, huh?!!

  6. Jenifer! This is Casey with The Spirit Sleeves!

    Can I use these photos for my new site?? it is close to completion and I will use some of these shots for product shots and for some filler. These are great and I can never have enough photos!
    You can email me at We are based in Logan, Ut, this is my product line that I created and I really appreciate you posting these. I just googled Spirit Sleeves and you are right there..

    Talk to you soon!
    Casey Evertsen


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