September 03, 2010

young love and eyelashes.

my darling cousin just got married...
seriously, they are adorable.
don't believe me, look at these pictures (i stole them off facebook).
their wedding was black and white and classic.
kaela was a happy, glowing bride.
she has ALWAYS been glowing... since she was little.
happy, fun and glowing.
and her new husband... honey sweet. quick to tear up.  a gentle soul.
they are cute together, i must say.

and i kept thinking... my kids will be getting married before i know it.
does that make me old?
and, i kept wishing i had an amazing photographer when i was getting married.
this is the photographer that took these pictures- she's great.

anyway, now kaela and garrett have been married two whole weeks.
oh... it just keeps getting better.
that's what i think at least.

and, check out kaela's eyes.
see those lashes?...
yeah, they're fake.
my other New York cousin filled me in.
(i always feel like such a nerd around my fashionable cousins...)
did you know that now you can get fake eyelashes, like fake fingernails...
you go once a month to the salon to have them filled...
for real.
and they're durable... you can shower and go white water rafting and stuff... 

so the whole time my New York cousin was like "she has fake eyelashes too." and i was like "really?"
and i laugh because i can never tell when people have other parts of their body surgically enhanced...
my friends say, "yeah, she's had surgery." and i'm like "really?"
and i think there are just so many things in life that i never really think about.

fake eyelashes...
they're cool.
i think i'd rather have fake eyelashes than fake nails...

who knew?

and happy honeymooning kaela and garrett...
i think you stay on your honeymoon until your first baby is born, or you move in with your parents.
and then, it's still grand, just not honeymoon...
love you!

PS-  Just in case you are wondering... i think it takes 2 WEEKS to get  back into the swing of things once school starts.  Give yourself time.
Today, my house is clean, my family is at peace and life is good...


  1. Gorgeous! Who knew you could get fake lashes! Wow.

    I was wondering if sometime soon you could blog about living as students? My DH is going back to school and it SCARES me to think about living through those years with 4 kids in tow. It would be nice to hear success (or sob) stories and tips.

  2. Jen this post made my whole day!

    But to be honest, the lashes are starting to get really annoying. They are fine if you get them filled every 4 weeks....but I just don't have the budget for that and so I have to let them grow out. The problem is that now I only have like 4 massive eyelashes on each eye.....ya, not so glamorous anymore, huh? Haha! They were super fun to have for the wedding though! And I'd totally do it again! It's just a pain now!

    Love you!!!

  3. p.s. check out G's eyelashes! Especially in that last picture! They're practically as good as my fake ones. I hope our kids get his eyelashes!

  4. So blissful!
    Wish I could go back and do photos of us again.

    By-the-way I just noticed your be filled with joy purchase, and have to say that I think there will be one of those in my own house very soon!!!


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