October 01, 2010


little fingers.
when the evening sun shines through my front door at a certain angle, all the fingerprints are  visible.
most days, i just grab the windex and quickly wipe it down.
last night, i grabbed my camera.
i LOVE fingerprint windows.
because i love little fingers. 
i love little girls waiting at that window with great anticipation for friends, daddies, brothers and sisters...
someday, my windows will stay clean. 
and, i'm going to miss this.
dancing in twilight

then mom, can you take a picture of me when i'm jumping off the coffee table?  um, no.
i told you, she's turning into a big girl.
my kids who look most like me...
life is lovely.
young children bring with them beauty, and joy, and excitement, and they make life sweet.
someday, my windows will be clean.  but i wouldn't trade these days for anything.
this is life.
the life i always wanted.
even with...
can you see my laundry basket in the background? 
it's full of crap, stuff i collect from around my house that i'm too lazy to put away.
i make the kids do it on Saturday.  (it's a pregnant thing- putting away clutter makes me sick) ha!

and... this is the stuff i used to "oil my cabinets"  in case you were wondering.


  1. I wish I had more evening light in my home but I don't :( Your pictures came out beautiful.

    PS Where did you buy your wood polish?

  2. i buy all my cleaning supplies from don aslett. www.cleanreport.com
    i love everything i have gotten. cheap, simple, and effective.

  3. Thanks Jen...it's perfect!
    And thanks for the reminder!

  4. Can I just tell you that I love these photos? Well, maybe no the wood polish one…

    Who am I kidding? That one is my favorite!


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