October 29, 2010

i knit.

because i had nothing else to do yesterday... 
i decided to try my hand at knitting.
(yes, this is a joke.  yesterday was CRAZY.  nonetheless- i managed to squeeze in a project.)
yup.  i used CIRCULAR needles and DPNs- double pointed needles.
i knitted and purled.
and, i started AND finished a project.
does that make me a real-live knitter?

it's something i always wanted to do.
knitting feels smart.
i'm not sure if i like knitting or if i just like people who knit.

i have a constant struggle in life with crafting/creating...
when i don't do it, i feel the void.
my life becomes monotonous with cleaning, cooking, cleaning, cooking...
when i do create, i wonder if it is worth the time and money i spend.
i FEEL good when i create.
i FEEL like i'm using important skills... skills i want my children to learn.
(gardening, sewing, cooking, canning, etc.)
i LOVE old fashioned skills...  but in today's world they sometimes seem impractical.
And so, I go back and forth between feast and famine.
yesterday...  i feasted and made a Brangelina hat...  from this pattern.
i actually made it smaller (only casting on 48 stitches) because it is for my boys...
for Christmas, if i can wait that long.
i loved it.
because, it feels good to create again.


  1. Looks great honey! Can you make me one? :)

  2. Wow! You did a great job I'm quite impressed. You can move on to bigger and better projects now.


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