October 13, 2010

i spy something green.

sorry, i have to post this.

on sunday morning i looked at leah and noticed something odd.
she quickly tried to run from me and said, "I did NOT go into the boys room.  I did NOT."
upon further investigation, i found a slew of treasures...  carefully hidden... in her panties.

that child.


  1. she is a very sneaky and clever girl. this pos treminds me of the time tayson did a little magic show for us when he was 3. He pulled tie after tie out of his underwear. there were like 10 in there. derid was thrilled....

  2. I love Leah. Somehow this doesn't really surprised me. It sure did make me laugh.

  3. Too funny. I wonder if she could make it through airport security with those things in her undies. :)


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