November 01, 2010

let's skip halloween.

because... i don't have pictures and it's killin' me.

i still have a basket of my kids' halloween costumes so i can dress them up for a picture... but, it's painful for me to think about.
almost as painful to have one whole year with no costumes.

halloween this year was OK.
actually, i kinda hated halloween this year.
and i kinda loved it.
i was without husband.
and, i didn't want all the candy in my house.
we went to fall festival at the school... i forced myself to go...
no, i wasn't excited even though i love my school and pta plans fall festival.
still... too many kids/people and candy and organized chaos.
i'd rather be home.
but, my kids love it...
this year they had a lot of games, you had to work hard for your candy...
which takes time...
so, my kids only got a sandwich bag full of candy...
it was PERFECT.

the little girls had a play group party where they dressed up again, and jakob got invited to a party on Friday night... he wore his costume, but discovered when he got there, that he was the only one dressed up.  :)

when it was time for our church trunk r treat,
i was alone, and jakob had a band concert that we all needed to go to from 5:30-7:30pm,
i gave my kids a choice of what we would do afterwards...
trunk r treating, $2 cash, or ice cream at Cup of Yo. 
they choose Cup of Yo!!!!! 
No costumes, NO CANDY, just $15 of frozen yogurt after the band concert and they went to bed with all their teeth in tact.

we didn't trick r treat on Sunday,
so, ALL the candy and trick r treating they got was at our school Fall Festival.
isn't that amazing??!!
i did kinda miss the candy sorting piles...
that is my favorite part of halloween.
but, i don't miss the sugar.

I'm so ready for THANKSGIVING!!!
and Christmas.
i put a turkey on my window yesterday...
We had our fun Harvest Feast on halloween night... i'll have to post pictures.
We also watched CREEPY CREATURES a National Geographic special... that was fun.
When that was over we watched a documentary on the World's deadliest drug... Meth.
My kids were entranced and freaked out... in a real scary way.
And, we played Werewolves... spooky.
My mom and my aunt came to visit.
We got THREE trick r treaters.  THREE.
i think it's because there are a lot of Christians in Lubbock who don't trick r treat on Sunday or maybe they just go to their own church parties and not around the neighborhood.
At least my kids weren't crying at the door while their friends filled up on candy.

Overall, i loved this holiday.
(yes, i'm still going to make them dress up again for a picture...)
even if i did it a little shabbily.
sorry halloween...  i kinda missed you this year.

1 comment:

  1. sounds good to me, everyone I talked to was so tired and sick of halloween this year after all the events they had to go to. you did it the right way!


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