November 19, 2010

moments by jakob.

i was finishing bath time...
jakob asked if he could take some pictures.
he was laughing when he showed me how lily was just playing the piano and almost fell off the bench.
i love jakob's progressive shots.
and, that he found the moment.

by far, the best thing about having a big family is watching your kids love each other...
Jane Covey, mother of 10, once told me...
"With a large family, you will NEVER be able to give your children what they could have had from you if they were only children.  But, you've given them siblings and their siblings will give them more than you could ever give."

i love this.
and, i love cute piano playing fingers as much as i love blurry 11 year old photography.

enjoy your weekend!


  1. I love that quote. Thank you for sharing it. I may need to copy it and pull it out on my days when I'm feeling like I'm "not enough."

  2. And he did a great job of finding that moment, too...


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