November 28, 2010

nativity exhibit.

I can't hear you...
I'm singing Christmas carols.
to myself
as i wander down the hallways of church.
feasting in the symbols of Christ that are filling the building

Oh how I LOVE Christmas...
and, I'm excited to see how my home and my children survive this next week...
the professor is officially the Stay At Home DAD... and i'm going to work.
for the Lord.
i feel so blessed to have been a part of this event...  and, i know i'll be disappointed when it's over.
i'm that kinda person... i LOVE the planning and anticipation, i'll crash when it's over...

i know i'll miss you... i'll TRY to take a few pictures and post something...
but if you don't hear from me, just know i'm singing Christmas songs.
to myself
while i wander down the hallway.
oh, and i'm making up answers... to questions that people ask me that i have never thought about before.
it will be great fun!!

if you live in Lubbock, please come see me!! 
(oh, i mean please come see the 100+ Nativities that we will be displaying... and hear the beautiful AMAZING music.... and get a picture in a stable with your family dressed in nativity clothes...  AND see me.)
it's a great way to kick-off the Christmas season!! 
i can't wait!!


  1. I feel the same way about Christmas-y things... love the season, love the buildup, love the anticipation: And then it's all over and it's a slump. :(


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