December 17, 2010

8 days till Christmas...

9 teacher gifts... check
66 stocking stuffers... check
a bag of treats for middle school friends... check
2 big bags of popcorn (for Anna)... check
$4 (for Anna)... check
breakfast pizza (for Ellie)... check
8:30 party... check
9:30 doctor's appointment... check
(note-- my blood levels are LOW-- 7.9. but, i feel GREAT-- i can tell my brave doctor is getting nervous... i keep teasing him... how low can you go??  i know he doesn't want to transfuse me... but he's nervous!)
fruit salad (for Drew)... check
apples and caramel dip (for Drew)... check
11:30 party... check
12:30 party... check
1:15 early dismisal... check
more friend gift deliveries... check
psych with the kids... in progress
drinks and shredded lettuce (for PTA)...
6:00 pta party...
12 days delivering...
Adventures of Santa Claus...
wrapping paaa---tee!!!  (you're all invited)

oh what a day!!
my husband is ultra Santa this year.
he's loving Christmas...
he's VERY involved.
i LOVE it.
yes, he had to submit final grades for his class.
yes, he still needs to finish up his dissertation...
but, i think having a job on the horizon has made his grinchy heart grow two sizes...
this year has been so much fun...
thanks Santa!!
and... what's that we saw out our window...

i think it's SNOWING!!


  1. You are so on the ball, Jen. I am feeling so far behind this year.

    Yes, it snowed, for about two seconds, huh? My kids were hoping to build a snow princess...maybe they'll still get their chance!

  2. Cute post and cute pictures!

  3. Man, but you seem to have it all together! I just figured out what to get my parents for Christmas and my students, too.

    I loved the photos…so much personality!


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