December 30, 2010

birth- singing.

i've been reading a lot about natural births lately.
i could never have a home birth.
but, i am hoping for a VBAC after 2 emergency c-sections.
and, i want to labor without being induced (i have NEVER gone into labor)
and, i want to labor without an epidural
and... i want to sing.  :)  if only i married a guitar player... and could sing.

something about this video makes me cry...
you can just feel the spirit of the room as she sings.
i want my baby's birth to feel like this.
love it.


  1. Oh, I've seen that video before! Isn't she great?! Love how peaceful she is.

  2. I've seen this video too! I REALLY want to try Hypnobabies, but I don't want to pay the full price for the home study manual! I really like the epidurals though.

    I can't believe you've never gone into labor! :)

  3. Hypnobabies is the way to go... I've done one naturally without Hypnobabies, one with an epidural and one with Hypnobabies. And I loved the Hypnobabies birth! I would love to give birth like that for everyone. It is worth every penny. The key is to trust your body and let it tell you what to do (when to have your baby, when to push, etc.).Misty, Ann and Julie all did it too.

  4. I had a med free birth and it was amazing! I hope you get to have the same experience!!!

  5. We have done hypnobirthing for both of our deliveries.....and no medications for either until it became unplanned c-section time. Highly recommended.

  6. Sure, we'd all like to sing through it...but Jen, whatever way the babies get here ... as long as they and you are healthy is all that matters! Safety, and being there for the rest of their early lives, is what is important. (She says, having delivered by c-section under general anesthesia) In my opinion, it's not the mechanisms of the few hours that bring them into the world, but being there to hold their hands as they grow up, that matters.


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