December 28, 2010

bloggy love.

i don't think i have ever referred people to some one's blog before.
although i love a lot of blogs...
but, Heather and I have been friends for a long time.  :)  blog friends.
people have told me i would love her blog.
but, i think it has always been private.
and, I'm a social weirdo who has issues requesting permission to view some one's private blog.

anyway.  it's not private.
and, it's BEAUTIFUL.
Heather has amazing quotes and images and just looking at her blog makes you smile.

so, go check it out-- here is the link!!  Seriously!
(i'm sure she loves me copying all her images!! don't you love them?!)


  1. well - that is so nice! i'm swapping my bloggie out in the new year... but i'll post a link. Plus, I love sharing cute quote images... gotta share the inspiration!

  2. It was actually through Heather that I found your blog - she suggested your blog to me and I have been totally thankful. I draw a lot of inspiration from you. I live in Florida and this past weekend we drove from Florida to Utah to visit family. As we drove through Texas my husband asked where in Texas you live - he thought I might like to meet you in person. I would love to meet you in person, but we were driving through in the middle of the night and I didn't really think you would check your blog in the middle of the night to see me asking for a phone number and address, and Lubbock really is a ways of course. So here is a blog hello to say thank you for letting me be part of your life through your blog.
    Happy New Year.

  3. How fun! You can stop by anytime... it would be fun to meet!


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