December 06, 2010


i missed this.

monday morning came... i still have a bit of a nativity hangover.
the professor did breakfast and school clothes, the kids gathered around my bed for morning prayers.
then, it was calm...
i heard my little girls chatting and i realized how much i've missed being home.

i saw laundry in the boys' closet and i felt excitement...
they really do need me here.
and, i love being here.

sometimes it is nice to get away...
doing the nativity was hard, but different.
i like to work with adults... it's fun to socialize and problem solve.
and... you have people around you telling you that you are doing well.
i don't get much of that at home.

but there is joy in routine...
and calm...
and yes, even laundry.
i LOVE my kids... and i miss them... and today i'm going to soak in their squishy hugs and cute comments.
it's good to be home.

(please don't let me forget to write thank you notes!!  i've GOT to do it.)

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